Sunday, May 24, 2015

What I Learned In Computer Literacy

I had no idea that I would be learning so many useful skills in Computer Literacy. I have learned how to search for the perfect career for me, and what I need to do to be a top contender for the job. I learned how to create a resume and cover letter, and how to properly answer interview questions.
Two things that I really enjoyed learning was how to create spreadsheets and power point presentations, it was both fun and challenging. I am glad that I chose to take Computer Literacy, all of my teachers have been great and it has been awesome to learn so many new computer skills that will help me in my future and endeavors.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Career and Personality Survey

The career and personality survey that I took was informative as well as surprising.  First of all I learned that my passion for Math and creativity would suggest a career in Finance and Information Technology. I would much rather use my skills in an Engineering and Design position
Then, my personality Quiz stated that I am an ENTP personality.  This Extrovert type personality is mostly true to how I am. I have good people skills, and I am also creative, full of ideas, and quick-witted, but the best match for me was that I dislike schedules and routines, that one says it all.

In summary, I can say I was a little surprised at the career suggestions, but at the same time it gave me something to think about.  My personality quiz just confirmed how I really am and it will help me to focus on the positives in life even more.