Sunday, May 24, 2015

What I Learned In Computer Literacy

I had no idea that I would be learning so many useful skills in Computer Literacy. I have learned how to search for the perfect career for me, and what I need to do to be a top contender for the job. I learned how to create a resume and cover letter, and how to properly answer interview questions.
Two things that I really enjoyed learning was how to create spreadsheets and power point presentations, it was both fun and challenging. I am glad that I chose to take Computer Literacy, all of my teachers have been great and it has been awesome to learn so many new computer skills that will help me in my future and endeavors.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Career and Personality Survey

The career and personality survey that I took was informative as well as surprising.  First of all I learned that my passion for Math and creativity would suggest a career in Finance and Information Technology. I would much rather use my skills in an Engineering and Design position
Then, my personality Quiz stated that I am an ENTP personality.  This Extrovert type personality is mostly true to how I am. I have good people skills, and I am also creative, full of ideas, and quick-witted, but the best match for me was that I dislike schedules and routines, that one says it all.

In summary, I can say I was a little surprised at the career suggestions, but at the same time it gave me something to think about.  My personality quiz just confirmed how I really am and it will help me to focus on the positives in life even more.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Being a Good Digital Citizen

Yes I believe it is easier to be mean to someone online than offline because your not talking to them face to face, and you feel like you have a cover-up. Just because you are not talking to their face doesn't mean it's not hurtful. You wouldn't want someone being mean to you over the Internet so don't be mean to them either. They have feelings just like you and don't want to be treated badly. Always remember to treat people the way you want to be treated.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ethical Computer Use

I believe when people illegally download or copy things they should be punished. People should not be allowed to illegally download or copy other peoples things because it is not theirs. It's wrong to try and take credit for other peoples hard work, and call it your own. Although it is okay to buy, sing, watch, and play other peoples creations it is not okay to call them your own. You wouldn't want somebody to illegally download or copy your work.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

"Once it's on the Internet, it's there forever!"

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are only a few ways to post on the Internet, and once you post to any of these, anyone can see it. If you post a picture of yourself, someone could use that picture to hurt you or even destroy your career. Too many people are hurt each day by posting things that should be kept private. Also, anything that  you say on the Internet becomes public information and that to can hurt you. You should always think about what you post before posting it. Deleting something after you post it does not mean that it is gone for good, or that you have saved yourself from hurt or harm. What you have posted is already in some one's mind or they have copied it and saved it to their computer. The old saying is to "Think before you speak", I believe this applies to posting as well.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


I recently read an article written by Ed lane of BBC news about how technology is changing disaster relief. Areas without an Internet connection available to them would be able to communicate using a solar powered lantern. People would be able to send text messages, make phone calls, and even send important files. The Sunlit Solar Powered Lantern would make a huge difference to people in disaster relief areas and that they could communicate with the outside world. I think using solar powered lanterns is a genius idea, and one that could mean the difference between life and death.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dangerous Passwords

I hate creating new passwords for all of my accounts, but after reading the article "Are Your Passwords Putting You In Danger?", I understand the importance of a strong password. When you use simple passwords you are making it simple for a hacker to figure it out. Don't ever use your kids names or favorite sports team, you should use something that does not make any sense, like "M4z%RJ7g". Also, do not store your passwords on your computer where they can be easily found by others. I am going to change all of my passwords as soon as I finish this assignment.